
Showing posts from August, 2010

MonoDevelop: “Type ‘X’ does not contain a definition for ‘Y’ and no extension method ‘Y’ of type ‘X’ can be found”

Just a quick one here since I seem to keep getting caught out by this one as I develop more with MonoDevelop .. Problem I am using an extension method, the code is completed fine via the “Intellisense”, correctly identifying that the method is an extension method, but when building, I get the error “ Type ‘X’ does not contain a definition for ‘Y’ and no extension method ‘Y’ of type ‘X’ can be found ”, and the build fails. Solution Dead easy – make sure you have a reference to System.Core . For some reason, some of my projects have not had this – and this is causing the problem. It is just made more difficult since the “detection of extension methods” seems to be working even if the plumbing (System.Core) is not actually in place to deal with them ;) To add a reference, when the compiler moans, (making sure you are in the file that is not building): Click “ Project” in the top menu bar. Click “ Edit References ” On the “ Packages ” tab, scroll to “ System.Core ” and whack a che

The “Money Makeover” – The Emergency Fund I

OK, so we've looked at creating our budget , and we have set up our " allocated savings ". We have been using this for one month. If you are anything like me, you may have found: You missed a few payments on your original budget and needed to add them to next months. It incredibly hard to stick to the plan and spend only the money you had budgeted. Think that this is all impossible since the slightest deviation from the budget causes problems. This is where our first key milestone comes in, the emergency fund 1 . The idea here is that this is going to be our buffer against those surprises that blindside us and knock us off our important financial journey. What is the "emergency fund 1"? Put simply, it's £1000 (or equivalent in your local currency). This should be enough to cover most common emergencies that may arise. Now, I know what you are thinking "OMFGWTFBBQ?! A GRAND ! If I could save a grand I wouldn't bloody be here!". ... And y

The “Money Makeover” – Allocated Savings

OK, so we have created our budget , we are nearly ready to start really getting underway with our journey, but we have one more thing we must prepare before we set off. This is our "allocated savings". What is "allocated savings"? We are going to be saving money, eventually a lot of it - be it for things like loan repayments, vacations, car maintenance - anything. This money is going to need to be "tagged" for certain things to ensure we do not look at our savings and think we can finally realise our lifelong dream of swimming in a pool of chocolate peanuts. Our "allocated savings" gives us a quick way of seeing what we have in our savings, and what it is for. Savings need a savings account Since we need to start saving, it means we are going to be putting our money into a savings account. If you don't have a savings account, then open up one with the bank. Most will jump at the chance and they only take £1 to open. Try to find one that

The "Money Makeover" - Step 1: The Budget

The first thing we are going to cover with the makeover is the budget . The budget is what holds it all together and allows you to ensure you are doing the best with your money from month-to-month. Why Draw Up a Budget? Having a budget offers the following benefits: You know where your money is going, before it goes there. It allows you to project expenses for the next month and re-balance accordingly. Reducing the "heart attack" factor of some unexpected event. It gives you "the big picture" which can be scary at first (because it illuminates just how much you are spending on debt etc.) but also makes you feel better because it puts things into perspective, assuring you that YOU are in control. Having a budget provides a one-stop shop for accounting things, once set up, it is easy to maintain. Spreadsheet software makes this process even easier. What Do I Need for a Budget? I highly recommend using spreadsheet software like Microsoft Office or OpenOffice (free,

The "Money Makeover" - Introduction

How It All Started... Recently (about three months ago) I was sat discussing my financial situation with a friend. We were joking about how it seems like no matter how hard we work and how much we push our salary up, we never have cash. Yet, as young adults at college we earned next to nothing compared to what we do now, yet we always had cash in our pockets and were out partying every weekend. Why? What's changed? I then got talking about this to another friend who then lent me a book. This book changed EVERYTHING. Sounds dramatic I know, but I am really not kidding. The book is "The Money Makeover" by David Ramsey . I strongly urge you to grab yourself a copy. This is my first tip! I intend to write a series of blog posts covering what I learned from the book, how I am applying it and the difference it has made to my life in the hope that you too can feel as good as I feel right now! Before we begin, lets cover a few key issues.. Why Makeover? Ask yourself why you are

The Journey to Financial Freedom (AKA the "Money Makeover")

So, here is a round-up of all the "Money Makeover" posts that I have completed. Items without links are pending (and subject to change). It should be noted that this strategy is largely based on the advice provided by Dave Ramsey in "The Money Makeover" - huge props and credit to him (he is literally changing my life). The posts are based on my take and experience with the strategy as well as lessons learned along the way. I truly hope you find them helpful :) Getting Started Introduction - Covers how it all started for me, why we should have a makeover and some truths that we need to admit before beginning. Step 1: The Budget - Helps get you started with creating your budget and offers pointers on how to organise it. Step 2: "Allocated Savings" - Introduces the concept of our "allocated savings" account and how to track our savings. Milestone 1: Emergency Fund 1 - Our first key milestone in our journey. The creation (and maintenanc

The Polyglot Programmer - Forget Learning the Language, Visit the Country

I have recently started dabbling with Rails . While I am still (extremely) new with the framework, it has really sparked a new wave of thinking for me - which is great timing since I've been feeling like I am in a bit of a learning plateau. This new wave of thinking is about the "Polyglot Programmer" and what it means to me. What is a "Polyglot Programmer"? "Polyglot Programming" in a traditional sense is simply combining multiple languages in application development. The idea being that some languages are "just better" for doing certain pieces of work. Having the ability to switch language to perform said pieces of work can obviously mean increased productivity and improved product output. Therefore, a polyglot programmer is a programmer/developer that knows several languages, enabling them to switch language as required. Problems I See Well, as a concept, the above seems great. Anyone who knows me knows I am all about getting stuff done. H