Vista Speech Recognition Macros CTP Released

This has been sat in my Inbox for a while as I have yet to play with it, but I thought I should at least do my bit to spread the word, this could be an exciting bit of technology depending on how well it works!

Microsoft released the Community Technology Preview (CTP) for Windows Speech Recognition Macros Tool (WSR Macros) on 23/04 (or 04/23 for across the pond!). You can download the CTP from here.

I really like the Speech Recognition feature of Vista, contrary to popular belief, it does seem to work well, and I have a cheap crappy headset. I know Scott Hanselman uses speech recognition (mentioned here in his post on his new home) and he reports fantastic detection rates.

With macros to perform multiple functions on key words/phrases, the possibilities are endless! Awesome!

Note: This is obviously only for Windows Vista!

WSR Macros Download
Scott Hanselman's Blog
Vista Speech Recognition Overview

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