GTD: Biphasic Sleep Experiment – Day 7
Physical State/Tiredness
Bit tired today because I went out and got wasted last night (probably got home and into bed at about 0230). To try and reduce overtiredness today I did turn off the alarm and have an extra few hours sleep (woke up at 0900).
By the end of the night, I was indeed a physical state :D ;)
Mental State
Still riding the “feel good” wave. Amazing how much happier I felt last night going out knowing I had done everything I wanted to get done. This is exactly what I believe “getting things done” is about. Not working more (per se), but enabling you to play more.
Diet was kind of messed up today, I had some massive kebab on the way home last night and it seems to have messed with my stomach a bit and I’ve kind of lost my appetite.
Will get plenty of good food down my neck tomorrow to compensate :)
Tomatoes Completed
Total number of Pomodori/Iterations from The Pomodoro Technique completed.
11 – A nice easy-paced day for a hungover geek :) I am now working my way through hard mode on X-Men Origins : Wolverine :D
ToDo List Zero
Are all items that were on the “ToDo” list at the start of the day/added and urgent completed?
I think I can actually say this now: “as always” ;)
Inbox Zero
All emails in the Inbox processed. (i.e. relevant tasks created/replies sent)
I have one or two pending items to friends on Facebook that I never got around to answering. Will pick these up in the morning though.
Had some fun today playing with build scripts as well as Greasemonkey. Both have been sat on the Tech ToDo for quite some time so it was nice to be able to dedicate a few tomatoes to both of them. Also had a chance to write another blog post – really enjoying the writing actually. I hope you are finding the extra posts useful!
I have some basic ideas drawn up for training plan – will post tomorrow with my thoughts (and of course first day of actually doing it).
So, my first full calendar week is now completed. I have jumped several hurdles and learned HEAPS. To recap the main points:
- The afternoon nap is critical. DO NOT mess with it!
- A 30m nap around 1230 eliminates the natural afternoon slump nicely.
- The ability to fall asleep is actually a skill in itself. Train yourself to fall asleep and things get easier.
- Meals need to be kept small and light, it messes with naps way too much.
- Don’t underestimate the power of getting items off the ToDo list! My outlook has improved so much just because I am stressing so much less!
- Start winding down about an hour before your main sleep. It can be hard to sleep while the brain is still whirring. I tend to go to bed with a book.
- Your ToDo list becomes a whole lot more fun when you are doing more of what you want to do rather than what you need to!
To the next step!
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