GTD: Biphasic Sleep Experiment – Update

Physical State/Tiredness

Nothing major to really report here. It has to be said the exercise has certainly made the hard pace of only 4.5 hours sleep a night more noticeable.. :)

I have had a couple of days where I have simply needed to sleep! On one of them, I just went to bed an our early. However, on day 13 I really pushed myself hard with the exercise. I went to bed and had a night of monophasic sleep to allow the body to recover. This was obviously much needed, woke up bright and spritely! Looking forward to playing with my iron balls again later! :D

It was interesting how having a single night of monophasic sleep did not affect my biphasic sleeping pattern at all. Nice to know I have the option there to take if I feel I need it.

Mental State

Still rocking and rolling. Just completed my (newly) regular retrospective session. It’s real nice to see the positive attitude reflected in my daily reviews. There were a lot of smiley faces!


Started upping the white meats, vegetables and supplements. However, I need to dedicate some time to researching some more quick-and-easy meals that I can prepare. So I can remain productive and have a well-balanced diet.

Now pretty much ay zero coffee (I might have one on a Saturday morning as a treat) and boy do I feel great for it. I’ve also taken the attack to my tea intake and traded in the regular tea and sugar for green and herbal teas (obviously with no sugar). This has also had a noticeable impact on energy levels etc. (as well as the fringe benefits of blood pressure and digestive system).


Tomatoes Completed

Total number of Pomodori/Iterations from The Pomodoro Technique completed.

Still averaging about 16 a day. This drops off a little bit on training days due to the hour out, but still very, very happy with productivity levels. Relieved that the training has not totally smashed a hole in it!

ToDo List Zero

Are all items that were on the “ToDo” list at the start of the day/added and urgent completed?

Always :)

Inbox Zero

All emails in the Inbox processed. (i.e. relevant tasks created/replies sent)

Always :)


I am just really getting used to getting things off the list now. Stress levels have totally dropped right off. I am also in a position where I do not think twice about taking opportunities up to take some time out. While I keep it under control (since if I took time out every night everything would slide!), I am not afraid of it.


Starting to get in the swing of the exercise pattern now. Not yet through the pain barrier yet, but I know I will get there in a week or so. Going to start stocking up again on the supplements. Also going to start tracking the metrics to monitor progress. Blog posts are likely to follow!


Glad that I have started putting these posts into a a digest. Again, I will only really blog when I feel like I have something to say/offer. Looking at the calendar though, I have just realised that the one-month trial actually “ends” next week! Wow! Doesn’t time fly!?

Based on that, it is likely that there will be nothing major between now an then, so it’s very possible that there will be just one more “wrap up/summary” post to close off the experiment.

Of course, if you have any questions etc, then you are always welcome to ask and I will happy to either respond in comment or post separately.


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