Agile: Do Or Do Not, There Is No Try
Recently, Paul Stack asked me a leading question in preparation for his post: " Is it really agile? ". The question was: "do you think organisations are turning their back on agile?" My answer to this question was "no", and here are my thoughts. Who are we talking about here? Firstly, we need to establish that there are two kinds of organisation. Those that are actually living, breathing, functioning agile teams that have no problems adopting all the processes, ship regularly and deliver things of high value to their customers. These guys are not who we are going to be looking at here. We are interested in the remainder, the guys that may or may not be "trying" agile, but for one or more reasons, cannot be considered "agile" (more on this to follow in a later post). This is to keep it simple so we can just focus on the current "problem". The three wannabe agile-eers Let's look a bit more closely at these agile wannabes. I...