Opera – The Browser, Not the Loud Wailing Thing..
The more I delve into all the glory that is web development, the better appreciation I seem to get for different browsers. My once-flawless image of FireFox has been shattered, lack of standards across ALL (yes boys and girls they are all breaking rules somewhere along the line) the majors ( IE , Safari , FireFox) and generally just the mess that is support for “basic” features as well as usability. Following a Facebook discussion the other day with a friend, Opera came up. Now, I have known for a while that Opera has excellent standards support, but I never really used it. I don’t know why that is, maybe its because no-one else I know uses it. Maybe it’s just because I am an idiot. So, it popped in my head today because the guys at Opera have just released version 9.5 , so I dived on the download. All I can say is Opera, I am so very sorry. Why the hell did it take me so long? Yes, I am still VERY fresh to it, but my initial impression is pretty much “wow”. Here’s the mai...