GTD: “Personal Kanban” – Getting Started
As you can probably tell from my recent post history, I am really on a “Getting Things Done” push. Current Task Process I think my general task processing is now pretty slick (or at least it is for me). In short: I use Remember the Milk . I have “Personal” list got general, repeating tasks. I have a “Work” list to track work items. I have my “ Tech ToDo ” to track technical skills I want to improve. I have a couple of smart lists to filter out specifics tags (such as articles/videos I have tagged for later review). I maintain a list of “Annual Goals”, which contains failures and successes of the last year, and tasks for this year. Other little system “enhancements” like My Dictaphone and Feeding Google Reader Items to RTM . “Life Tasks” (Our “Stories”) Now, on the whole, this system does work really well. However, I do find that it generally breaks down with big fluffy “life” tasks – tasks that you want to do, but are really, really broad and no...